Monday, December 10, 2007

The New Year Brings Thoughts Of Change

In a few weeks, 2008 will be here. Naturally, the first thing that normally jumps up is "Where will we party?". A little later another subject arrives: "Should I make some New Year's resolutions?" Admirable, BUT...

If Resolutions are sticking in your mind, perhaps you should. But we recommend you consider a few points before jumping in feet first.

1. Is there something you really want to change? Be honest with yourself. Are you truely wanting to change something?

2. If you want to change; is it because it bothers you, or have others told you, or is it the "in" thing to do?

3. If something really bothers you about yourself, then, yes, it's a good idea. If others have made mention, (it affects your relationships, or affects how others see you) then consider the change since it could improve your lifestyle. If it just happens to be the "in" thing, forget it!

4.If you decide to make a resolution to change something, ARE YOU COMMITTED? In other words, are you going to do it?

5. If you are committed today, will you still feel the same way tomorrow? Commitment can be a fleeting thing. How many people do you know that said they were committed to certain resolutions but were "done' with them a few weeks later with zero results? The reason: ATTITUDE and COMMITMENT.

6. Resolution means to take action to "resolve" something and continue that action UNTIL the matter is resolved. Can you do that? Better yet, WILL YOU DO THAT?

Looks like we were a little dramatic in our points above. Yet, to decide to commit to an action requires drama since the course you about to take is life changing. Losing weight, or slowing down a "too" active lifestyle, or getting out of debt is dramatic. And, its very rewarding if you DO IT and stay on track to the conclusion regardless how long it takes.