Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tips For Resolution Success

One of the main topics at New Years parties is: "What resolutions have you made for this year?" Of course, you will also hear: "I probably won't keep it. I'm just not successful with resolutions." Why is that? Maybe a few tips for success will help.

1. Don't make it if you plan to break it.

2. You must be committed and sincere.

3. The resolution must be something you really feel is in need of change.

4. Don't choose a complicated resolution. Break it down into easy steps. Be organized.

5. Educate yourself in how others have achieved success for a similar resolution.

6. Plan your "attack" and work your plan.

7. Try to add fun ways to be successful.

8. Put your ultimate goal in writing. Motivate yourself by writing down how you will be when you have accomplished your resolution. Then, read it out loud to yourself each day.

9. If you need help or encouragement, GET IT!

10. Don't procrastinate!

These tips have helped us achieve our resolutions as well as any goals we want to accomplish. We hope thes will help you be a success this year with your resolution(s).