Saturday, May 23, 2009


There are several kinds of arthritis but the most common are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. The symptoms for each condition are slightly different but they all result in pain and progressive immobility. Another common factor is that they all signify the body’s inability to eliminate toxins efficiently. There can be many different reasons as to why a person develops arthritis and even though aromatherapy is a very effective treatment for the condition, the individual’s whole lifestyle needs to be looked at.

Simple Aromatherapeutic Treatments

Add 3 drops of Fennel, Carrot Seed and Juniper (or up to 10 drops of one of the above) to the bath along with two handfuls of Epsom Salt and one of Rock Salt. Repeat this every day for two weeks. This is an excellent detoxifying treatment for all types of arthritis.

Other oils you can add to the bath include – Chamomile or Lavender (to help any inflammation), Rosemary or Lavender (for increasing mobility), Fennel or Grapefruit (for detoxifying)

Make up a massage oil by mixing 7 to 10 drops each of Lavender, Rosemary and Marjoram with 50ml of a carrier oil. Rub this into the area very gently twice a day. This will help to ease pain and improve mobility.

Apply a cold compress using a few drops of Lavender and Chamomile. This will help ease any inflammation and pain.

Apply a hot compress using a few drops of Rosemary, Marjoram or Black Pepper. This will help to reduce stiffness.


Following any kind of heat treatment (baths, compress or massage), keep the joint moving to avoid any congestion. Also, never massage directly over a swollen joint.

Oil Safety

Fennel – use in moderation, do not use if you suffer from epilepsy or are pregnant, do not use on children under 6
Juniper – use in moderation, do not use if you suffer from kidney disease or are pregnant, do not use on young children
Chamomile – can cause dermatitis in some people (use fewer drops if you have sensitive skin
Rosemary – do not use if you suffer from epilepsy or are pregnant
Grapefruit – slightly photo toxic, therefore, do not use before sunbathing or going on a sunbed
Black Pepper – use in very small quantities as skin irritant

AROMATIP from holistic therapies spain: Rosemary is a mental stimulant and will help to improve your memory.