Sunday, January 13, 2008

Take A Walk

We are not "right on the beach" but are only sparated from it by a road and one row of houses. It's about a football field away which means it's very easy to get there for a nice walk each day.

Unfortunately, it's winter and for us that means about 50 degrees. So, it's a little to cool to go barefoot. I'll have to wear shoes for now which is definately not my style. I like to feel the sand with my toes. Just have to wait until March to kick off the shoes again. What's the point of this?

Taking a walk on the beach is my way to staying healthy. A brisk walk for a little while (and maybe a little jog) followed by a casual mile or two walk is a great health aide. You don't have to go to a gym and do a "killer" workout to get the exercise you need. You can just walk everyday around your neighborhood, or if you are lucky like me, on the beach.

A simple mile or two walk each day will give you the exercise you need and, believe it or not, time to think about anything you wish which, many times, leads to problem solving, planning, and simply feeling good. Give it a go. Take a walk.