Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why All The Hype About Steroids In Sports?

With all the media focusing on the steroid sports scandal, we decided to wade in with our quick take on the subject. No, we are not going to talk about Clemens, or Tejada, or any particlar "star". What we are going to say is about steroids and good health.

Steroids are a medical tool. Yes, body builders jumped in and started to take steroids when they found that they could achieve great results and "win" weight lifting events. They also found that without proper medical advice and control, there were serious consequences including death. It also had adverse effects on the body over time.

Doctors perscribe steroids in a number of instances to help healing and, in some cases, allow other drugs to work more effectively. They, of course, monitor the usage and effects. This is the best way steroids are used. But, if steroids are used as in the case of sports, your good health just took a nose dive.

Steroids used properly under a doctor's supervison is good. Used improperly and your health is effected often times very adversely. So is the media hype about promoting good health? NO!
Everybody involved has an ulterior motive.

Congress jumped in because it's an election year. Show you are outraged at this "cheating" and you get votes since "your heart is in the right place".

The media is playing it up because they need a bigger audience and that means more money from advertisers.

Sports officials allowed all this to gain control over the players and the unions involved.

And the players now being investigated started the whole thing so they could be the "best" to extend their careers or just to make more money. Why does someone who hits a ball or throws one deserve millions?

What this boils down to is that our children are effected by this hype. Some will find a way to get steroids to become a superstar to earn big bucks but ruin their health. Some will think that cheating is all right if you don't get caught. Morally and healthwise very wrong.

What we need is to promote good health, show that steroid use is wrong (unless prescribed by a doctor), and get everyone back on track for good morals. We are advocates of good health, but what we are seeing is that maybe it's time to not only look at health very, very wisely, but also to promote morals along with it. Maybe you should go to church today and talk to God.