Monday, December 17, 2007

Some Tips For Your Resolutions

Here are a few of the most popular New Years resolutions.

1. Lose weight
2. Get out of debt
3. Get rid of a bad habit
4. Get fit
5. See the world
6. Get more education

This is by no means a complete list. In fact, each of these can be broken down into many sub topics. But it's a start for you to think about. We also suggest you think about the following tips that may help your thoughts:

1. Take care of yourself. Check out your habits and pick out any bad ones you want to lose. Do you need or want to end smoking, or stop gambling, or end drug abuse?

2. Get rid of little anoyances before they get big. These can be lateness in paying bills, or forgetting important events, or not buying the right thing.

3. Make a list of what you feel are important changes you need to make. List the pros and cons. Decide your main objective and set up your plan of attack.

4. Do your homework. Get the facts by your personal research such as talking to your doctor about good diet plans, or check out on the net what others have to say about breaking bad habits or their experience with certain diets. Cheking out the library helps also.

5. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Make your resolution(s) manageable. If you have a very major change as your goal, stick with that as your resolution. Don't try to lose weight and end smoking at the same time. Start with one, and when you feel you have that very much in control, you can begin the next. Several minor resolutions can be done at the same time but don't over do it.

6. Get your attitude on track. Resolutions are your goals for improvement and you must have the right mindset to be successful. If you don't feel you have the right attitude, or can't get it yourself, ask for help with your doctor, or minister, or priest, or a reliable counselor.

We'll look at few other ideas in another post in a day or so. You'll notice that we are taking this a little at a time so you can absorb these ideas just as you should develope your action plan one step at a time.