Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Diet Plans Review - The 10th In A Series

A real winner at last. At least health wise. There our other drawbacks when you check out the cons of the plan. Today, we're looking at:

Weight Watchers

Today there are many popular diets out there, but probably one of the most popular ones ever is the Weight Watchers diet. This is a diet that many people, especially women have tried. If you are looking for a good diet plan to start, this may be one that you are considering. So, let's take a look at the diet, all it includes, and the pros and cons of the diet as well so you can make a good decision on whether this is the right diet for you.

Overview of Weight Watchers

The Weight Watches program got it's start back in the 60's by some friends who started to get together each week to discuss their weight loss struggles and victories. Over time the discussions grew and soon it became popular around the entire world. This diet program focuses on losing weight long term and it also focuses on keep the weight off as well. There are no harsh restrictions on what you can or can't eat, but it teaches people to learn how to make the healthy choices in what they eat so they can lose weight and then keep the weight off for the years to come. Of course exercise is also encouraged, although it is not the main focus of the entire program.

Who Does Weight Watchers Work for Best?

This is a program that really works well for people who need some support when they are losing weight. It is also great for those who want to be eat anything that they want. There are not many limitations, which makes this a great diet plan for just about anyone today.

A Few Pros and Cons

Weight Watchers comes with quite a list of pros and cons that you should be aware of. It is important that you are aware of these pros and cons before you get started in the plan. So, here are some of the pros and cons that you should know about first.
- Pro #1 - Great for Long Term Weight Loss Goals - First of all, one of the main pros is that you'll find Weight Watchers to be a great program for long term weight loss goals. It is actually a diet that you can stick to, so you'll be able to reach the goals you are striving for.
- Pro #2 - Plenty of Support to Help - You'll also find that you get plenty of support with this diet as well. There are weekly meetings that you go to where you get support and education that will help you as you work on losing weight. For many people, this is one of the most important parts of the diet that they love.
- Pro #3 - You Have Variety in Food Choices - While there are so many diets out there that really restrict the foods that you can eat, you'll find that with Weight Watchers you can eat just about anything. There is great variety in food choice, so you'll be less likely to get bored or tired of the diet and quit.
- Pro #4 - The Points Make it Easy - You'll also find that the great point system that is used with this diet really makes it easy to keep track of what you are eating. Most people even find that it is a lot easier than having to keep track of calories.
- Con #1 - You Can't Really Count Points Forever - However, on the con side, you'll probably find that you can't go on counting points for the rest of your life. This is only temporary for you and you'll have to survive eventually without looking up the points in your little manual.
- Con #2 - You Have to Go to Meetings - While the meetings can be great for some, other people find that going to the meetings is actually a problem for them. They have to fit in these meetings into their busy schedule. Also, people who really are very sensitive about their weight may find this embarrassing as well.
- Con #3 - It Can Be Expensive - Probably one of the main cons to this diet is that it can be really expensive. It costs about $10-15 for each class and you also have to pay to join as well. So, over time this can really cost you quite a bit of money to get involved in it.

Food Do's and Don'ts

When it comes to do's and don'ts of food, there really are none. You have to focus on the points that you are allowed to have each day, and make sure that you count the points for every single thing that you eat. However, you can pretty much eat about anything, as long as you remember that you have to count those points and you don't go over your total points for the entire day.

Medical Community Opinions of the Diet

The Weight Watchers diet is one weight loss program that is really well respected in the medical community today. It is one of the best plans according to medical experts, since it offers a well balanced and healthy way for people to lose weight and totally helps people to learn how to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

As you can see, health wise, this plan works. But, cost and time may be 2 factors that could easily defeat this plan.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Diet Plan Review Number 9

Well, we have shown you 8 plans already. Today's plan is the ninth and could be very good if modified by a nutritionist. Let's look at:

The Zone Diet

If you're out looking for a good diet, one diet you may come across while you are looking is the Zone Diet. This is a diet that has been around for a few years, although it was not originally to be a weight loss diet. No doubt you are interested to find out more about this diet and whether or not it really does work. So, let's take a close look at the diet, the main goals, the pros and cons, and what health professionals seem to think about it. This way you can make an intelligent decision on whether it is a good diet for you to try.

Zone Diet Overview

The Zone Diet is a diet that was developed by Dr. Barry Sears; however, it was not really developed originally to be a diet that was for losing weight. It was actually made to be a change in lifestyle that would manipulate the body in such as way that it would promote health, energy, and a lean body as well. In this diet, food is treated like a drug, and it focuses on treating food like hormones, not as calories. It is also a diet that is quite restrictive as well, focusing on making sure that the diet includes 30% fats, 30% proteins, and 40% carbs. This diet became popular because of the book Sears wrote, called The Zone. You'll find that the diet is based on the idea that high levels of insulin can make you fat, and it focuses on making sure that your insulin level is kept in a specific "zone" which is done by eating a combination of fat, protein, and carbs.

People it Works For Best

This is a diet that works best for people who have the time to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Also, it was first developed for people who had heart disease and diabetes, so it works well for them as well. Those who love the idea of eating for taste and the experience may not find this diet to be the right one for them, since food is looked at as merely a drug.

Pros and Cons of the Zone Diet

You will find that there are many pros and cons to consider when you are trying to decide if the Zone diet is the right diet for your needs. It is important that you take a look at the following pros and cons and decide whether you can live with the cons because of the pros. If you are able to live without some of your favorite carbs, then this diet may be for you.
- Pro #1 - Neat Eating - Neat eating, which is eating small meals various times each day, is promoted in this diet, which is a definite pro. It is a great way to keep yourself feeling satisfied without overeating. Many people have found that diets that offer small portions several times a day can be very effective.
- Pro #2 - Fruits and Vegetables are Encouraged - Another pro of this diet is that it really does encourage you to eat vegetables and fruits as well. So, you at least get some of the important nutrients that your body needs so badly.
- Pro #3 - Low in Saturated fat - The diet is also low in saturated fat, which is a pro as well. Saturated fats can be very bad for your body, so a diet that does not contain much of them is important and helpful to your health.
- Pro #4 - Encourages the Drinking of Water - This diet also really pushes that you should drink plenty of water while you are on the diet as well. Water is very important and some diets overlook this. So, this is yet another pro of the Zone Diet.
- Con #1 - Never Really Been Tested - One of the main cons of the Zone Diet is that it really has never been tested. This means that there is no real independent research that shows that this diet really does work. So, you may be trying a diet that doesn't work at all.
- Con #2 - Limits Foods that Have Important Vitamins and Minerals in Them - Another problem with the Zone Diet is that it limits some of the foods that have very important vitamins and minerals in them. Some of the minerals and vitamins that you may miss out on include Vitamin D, iron, folic acid, calcium, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A.
- Con #3 - Can Make Eating a Bit Boring - Since this diet actually wants you to treat food like a drug you have to take, it can become a bit boring to eat, and some people may find that this mindset is almost traumatizing to them. Eating should be a pleasurable experience, but this diet takes a lot of the pleasure away from eating.

What You Can and Can't Eat on this Diet

You are allowed to eat proteins, carbs, and fats as well, but they must be done in the correct ration. Every time you eat, you have to make sure that you include fat, carbs, and protein, even if it is just a snack that you are eating. Also, you have to eat about every five hours as well. While you are allowed to have some alcohol on this diet, it is limited. You are not allowed to eat very much bread or pasta at all. Also, other bad carbs according to this diet include peas, bananas, and even watermelon. Dairy products and butter is not allowed in the diet either.

The Opinion of the Medical Community

Those in the medical field think that the calorie amounts that are part of the Zone Diet plan are on the low side. However, the snacks do make an impression with medical professionals, since they do help out. There is no real science that shows that this ration of foods is going to really make you lose weight, so some in the medical community are understandably dubious about whether or not this diet will really work.

OK, maybe we should reserve our opinion that this is a great diet. However, working with a nutritionist or a doctor could improve this plan and make it a winner.

Friday, September 5, 2008

# 8 in our Review of Diet Plans

At last, we think the plan we are reviewing today is pretty good with a little modiification. Let's review:

The Pritikin Principle

With so many diets out there today, the search for the right one can be frustrating. For this reason, doing some research on diets before you get involved is an excellent idea. Why? Well, because you can learn all the basics, as well as the pros and cons, before you even start on the diet. One diet out there that many people have heard of and tried is the Pritikin Principle diet. Not sure whether or not this could be the right diet for you? Well, let's take a closer look at the diet to figure out whether or not it will really work well for you.

Overview of the Pritikin Principle

The Pritikin Principle Diet is one that was developed by Nathan Pritikin and it has been around for more than 30 years now. This is a diet that is very low fat, and while is mostly based on eating vegetables, fruits, and grains, it is not totally a vegetarian diet. Only 10% of this diet is fat. Nathan's son, Robert, has now taken over this concept and has added to it and tweaked it just a bit. He stresses that you should choose foods that have low calories for their density and then you should fill up on them, since you'll feel really full but won't be consuming as many calories.

People It Works For Best

This diet is one that is a great fit for those who want to change their entire eating habits to lose some weight over time slowly. Also those who want to start using vegetarian principles in their diet will find that this is a great diet to check out as well. Instead of just being a diet, it focuses on becoming an entire lifestyle, so it is great for people who want an entire change of life. However, those who love their meats and sweets from time to time may not find this diet to be the right fit.

Pros and Cons to Consider

As with any diet, the Pritkin Principle Diet has both pros and cons that you should take into consideration. Here are a few of the most common pros and cons that you may want to think about before you decide this is the right diet for you.
- Pro #1 - Focuses on Healthy Eating - One of the key pros of the Pritkin Principle Diet is that it really focuses on healthy eating. The foods allowed in the diet are foods that are full of great vitamins and minerals, so you really get the important nutrients that help to keep your body healthy. Also, the foods that you eat make you feel full as well, which means you don't constantly have to deal with cravings.
- Pro #2 - Allows a Variety of Foods - There are a variety of different foods that you are allowed to eat as well. This makes it a better diet than some diets that are extremely restrictive. When you have a variety of foods to eat, you are less likely to get bored.
- Pro #3 - Starch is Allowed in Moderation - While there are some diets that totally get rid of carbs, this diet allows you to have some carbs as long as it is done in moderation. This is a healthier choice than just totally getting rid of the carbohydrates in your diet.
- Pro #4 - Doesn't Go Crazy with Excessive Calorie Counting - You really don't have to stress about excessively having to count the calories that you eat. It can be a pain to count every calorie, but with this diet you'll know that the foods you are eating are low calorie.
- Con #1 - Large Amounts of High Fiber Foods - One of the main cons to this diet is that you eat many foods that are high in fiber, since it helps to make you feel full and improve the way the digestive system works. However, over time this can cause swelling and bloating and you may not be able to eat enough in one meal to feel satisfied.
- Con #2 - No Cheat Days Available - Many people find that the fact there are no cheat days to this diet to be a huge con. So, some people may find that this diet is really hard to stick to all the time, since they don't get some of their favorite foods.
- Con #3 - Not Enough Healthy Fats - This is a diet that is low in fat, and it can be a con since you may not be getting the healthy fats that your body really does need to be healthy.

Food Do's and Don'ts

The foods that are supposed to be eaten on the Pritikin Principle Diet include foods that have very few calories per pound. So, you are to avoid foods that have high calorie content and stick to grains, fruits, and vegetables that allow you to eat large quantities for relatively few calories. Doing this allows you to fill your stomach so you won't feel hungry and consume high calorie foods. Some of the foods that are really preferred in the diet include oats, brown rice, apples, squash, onions, millet, potatoes, barley, bananas, pears, beans, dark green lettuces, and strawberries.

Opinions from the Medical Community

While the medical community tends to be quite happy about all the nutrients that you'll be getting from the Pritikin Principle Diet, the one problem that they have is that the fat in the diet is extremely low and may be a problem for your health. Fat soluble vitamins are also limited in this diet as well. This means that you may have problems with skin health, proper growth, and normal cell functions because you are not getting enough fat in the diet.

So, if you get with a qualified nutritionist, it's very possible that the piet can be improved upon and the drawbacks eliminated.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Diet Plan Reviews ( We've made it to # 7)

When we started our research for this series on diet plans, we were confident that we would find numerous plans that would be good for just about anyone. It hasn't turned out that way. Let's look at our next plan:

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet

If you're looking for a diet that will truly help you lose weight, there are many out there to choose from. If you don't know much about the diets available you may make a choice that is totally wrong for your body. This is why it is important to learn as much as you can about a diet before you decide to try it. So, if the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet is one that you are considering, you'll want to learn a bit more. Here is some helpful information on this diet that will help you decide whether or not it is the diet for you.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet Overview

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet is a diet that was developed by Richard Heller, MD along with his wife, Rachael Meller, MD. It was first brought to light in the early 90's and the basic theory behind it is that many people who are dealing with weight problems are addicted to carbs. Many times this can lead to insulin levels that are very high, which can make them crave even more carbs throughout the day. This diet works to help people get away from their addiction to carbs while not totally taking them out of the diet.

People it Works Best For

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, or CAD, is a great diet for those who have not found the Atkins Diet to be successful for them. If people feel that Atkins deprived them, they may find that this diet is more effective for them, since they have the ability to eat whatever they want once each day. The reward meal is definitely one of the enticing factors, which makes it a great choice for people who really have certain foods that they enjoy eating each day. The main group that this diet was developed for though, is for people who have an imbalance in the body that is known as carbohydrate addiction.

Pros and Cons

When you take a look at the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, you will find that there are pros and cons to the diet. You need to take a close look at them to figure out whether or not the pros outweigh the cons or if the opposite is true. Here are a few of the pros and cons of this diet to consider.
- Pro #1 - Easier than Atkins - One of the pros is that this diet is a much easier one to follow than the Atkins diet. It is not quite as extreme, which makes it easier for people to follow, which usually leads to more success.
- Pro #2 - Gets Rid of Carb Cravings - Another pro of the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet is that it helps people to get rid of their carb cravings. This is done by the careful portions and choice of foods that are eaten each day.
- Pro #3 - Keeps Blood Sugar on a Constant Level - Since you are not eating so many carbs all the time, this diet helps you to keep your blood sugar levels on a more constant level, instead of constantly having a sugar level that goes up and down throughout the day.
- Con #1 - You May Miss Nutrients - When it comes to cons, one of the big ones is that you may miss out on some of the most important nutrients that your body really needs. Often it is hard to get the fiber and calcium that your body needs when you are on this diet.
- Con #2 - Bad for Those with High Cholesterol - Many times doctors will actually advise against this diet for people who have high cholesterol. The foods that are eaten in this diet are high in fats that are saturated, which can elevate cholesterol, so this is another con of this diet.
- Con #3 - Many People Experience Plateaus in Weight Loss - After a certain time, while people usually lose weight right away during the diet, many people end up hitting a plateau eventually and then they stop losing weight. This can also be one of the big cons to consider before you try this diet.

Foods You Can and Can't Eat

While you are on the diet, there are foods that you can and cannot eat. During the first couple weeks of the program, two of your daily meals must be their special meals that have about 3-4 ounces of meat, 2 ounces of some type of cheese, and about two cups of salad or some type of veggies. Then, for your third meal of the day you are allowed to eat whatever you want and as much as you want, and this is called the Reward Meal. The only restriction on the Reward Meal is that you have to eat everything for the meal within one hours' time.

Once the first two weeks are up, there are a few different plans that you can choose, depending on the weight you plan on losing after this. Some have plans that allow special snacks during the day, and the snacks are limited as well. Also, the diet requires that you drink a lot of water each day as well, which is very important.

What the Medical Community Says

When it comes to the medical community and their opinions, for the most part the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet is not really a favorite with them. While obese people often show insulin resistance and high levels of insulin, usually doctors feel that obesity actually causes this. Also, most people in the medical field feel that it can be a bad diet choice because you miss out on some of the best nutrition that your body really does need if you are to lead a healthy life.

Guess we struck out again.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Here is the 6th diet plan for review

After looking at 5 diet plans, we really don't see much in any of them except that the originator is getting fame and fortune. Maybe today's review will suit us more which is:

The Atkins Diet

Today there are many diets out there to choose from, and if you want to lose weight, it can be a bit difficult to figure out which diet is for you. However, one of the top diet choices out there today is the Atkins Diet. Of course before you start any diet you probably want to know a bit more about it and how it works. So, let's take a look at how the Atkins Diet got started, how it works, who it works best for, and more so you can make the right choice.

Overview of the Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is a popular diet that was developed by Dr. Atkins. The entire diet is based on the theory of this doctor is that the main problem for people who are overweight is that they eat too many carbohydrates and their body is extra sensitive to them. His idea is that the body and how it processes the carbs you take in each day is what makes you gain more weight. Basically Dr. Atkins feels that many people eat too many carbohydrates, which leads to insulin resistance. In order to remedy this problem, the diet is one that restricts the intake of carbs and focuses on eating a diet that is high in protein. You end up reducing the amount of carbs that you eat each day to make your body start burning off the fat on the body as its fuel.

People the Diet Works Best For

While this diet has been shown to be effective for many people, it seems to work the best for people who really do have an insulin resistance build up in their body. Also, people who are hypoglycemic can really benefit from this diet as well if they are trying to lose weight.

Pros and Cons

You will find that just like any other diet, there are definitely both pros and cons. Let's take a look at a few of the pros and cons you'll find if you try this diet.
- Pro #1 - It's a Simple Diet - One of the main pros that so many people love is that it is a very simple diet to follow. Once you learn what foods you are supposed to be eating, those you should avoid, and learn to count carbs, it really is a diet that is easy to follow.
- Pro #2 - Finding Your Own Level of Carbs - Another great pro is that the diet does focus on finding the level of carbs that works best for you. Some people may be able to eat a bit more than others, but the focus is to figure out what works for you.
- Pro #3 - A Popular Diet - The Atkins Diet is a popular diet as well. This is a pro because it means that you can easily find information on the diet and support as you are trying to follow it as well.
- Con #1 - You Miss Out on Cancer Fighting Fruits and Vegetables - One of the main cons of this diet is that because of the big restriction on carbs, you actually miss out on some of the most important cancer fighting fruits and vegetables that you need. Add to this that you're eating more red meat, which too much of can cause cancer, and you may create a dangerous situation.
- Con #2 - You Always Have to Count Carbs - Many people don't like the fact that they are always having to keep track of the carbs they eat. This means that every single thing that goes in their mouth must be counted, which can get old after awhile.
- Con #3 - Miss Out on Necessary Nutrients - Probably one of big cons to this diet is the fact that you miss out on many necessary nutrients that your body needs, since you cannot eat many foods. While some minerals and vitamins can be taken in a supplement, some of the important phytonutrients that you need cannot be replaced by taking a supplement.

Foods You Can and Can't Eat

There are several different phases of the Atkins diet and each phase affects the food that you can and cannot eat as well. When you are going through the first two weeks of the Atkins plan, you are only allowed to have 20 grams of carbs each day, and the carbs that you can eat include vegetables that are low in carbohydrates, such as tomatoes, lettuce, and broccoli. During this time you can't even eat fruits, potatoes, breads, or yogurt, since they have too many carbs. You can't take in caffeine or alcohol during this time either.

As you go into the second stage of this diet you are allowed to go up to 25 grams of carbs each day. After you get to the weight you want to be, then you can slowly introduce some good carbs into your diet once again, but you have to make sure that you don't gain back the weight that you have lost. Some of the things that you can add to your diet include plenty of proteins, such as various meats, like red meat, bacon, and you can even add eggs.

The Opinion of the Medical Community

So, you may be wondering what the opinion of the medical community happens to be. Well, the medical community often criticizes the Atkins Diet Plan, feeling that there are many dangers to going on a diet that is so low on carbs and so high on protein. Since you cannot eat many fruits and vegetables, doctors fear that people don't get the nutrients that their body really needs to be healthy. Also, all the fat that is taken in on this diet can be very dangerous. The American Heart Association definitely is concerned with the diet because of the high fat, and the American Dietetic Association is also concerned about it because of the lack of nutrition the diet offers.

Certainly, some people could benefit from this plan, but if they are not within the small area as noted above, it could be very dangerous.