Sunday, May 31, 2009


Many people suffer from problems with their sinuses but often don’t know much about them or what causes the problems. This article is written in the hope that it will inform and benefit “sinus sufferers” …

The Facial Sinuses

The facial sinuses are air filled cavities, lined with mucus membranes, in the bones surrounding the nose. They comprise of;
a. 2 frontal sinuses – situated in the frontal bone of the forehead just above the eyebrows.
b. 2 maxillary sinuses – in the cheekbones
c. 2 ethmoidal sinuses – honeycomb-like cavities in bones between the nasal cavity and the eye sockets
d. 2 sphenoidal sinuses – a collection of air spaces in the large winged bone behind the nose that forms the central part of the base of the skull

The sinuses vary in size – the maxillary are the largest with the volume of a tablespoon. On average the size of the sinuses are 1.25” high, 1” wide and 1” deep. Men usually have bigger sinuses than women.

Mucus drains from each sinus along a narrow channel, which opens into the nose. Mucus is a thick, slimy fluid whose purpose is protective in that it keeps the body structures moist and lubricated. Mucus in the respiratory tract moistens inhaled air and traps smoke/other foreign particles in the airways so that they don’t enter the lungs.

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an infection of the membranes and the most commonly affected are those in the cheekbones and between the eyes. It can be acute (lasting perhaps for a couple of weeks) or chronic (lasting for months or even years) in nature.

It is caused by a viral infection spreading to the sinuses from the nose, especially when a person blows his nose vigorously along the narrow passages that drain mucus from the sinuses into the nose.

The sinuses accumulate fluid and mucus which allow bacteria to multiply. It is usually a result of a bacterial infection that develops as a complication of a viral infection. E.g. the common cold (viral rhinitis)

Other causes of infection may be from an abscess in an upper tooth, having infected water forced into the sinuses up the nose when jumping into infected water or as a result of a severe facial injury. You could also have sinus problems if you suffer from allergies, a cleft palate, cystic fibrosis or nasal polyps.

When the sinus becomes infected and the amount of mucus produced is considerable, the filaments (cilia) that normally beat and create current to move the mucus towards the drainage passage become “paralysed”. With the reduction of activity of the cilia the infection in the sinus builds up and has to be treated.

Sinusitis is very common and many people suffer from it after every cold. Once you have a tendency to get it, then recurrence is more likely. It causes a feeling of fullness in the affected area e.g. pain or tenderness over the forehead and sometimes an ache. Other symptoms include fever, bad breath, ear pressure, upper tooth pain, stuffy nose and loss of sense of smell. It is also possible that sinusitis can be influenced by hormonal changes.

Self Help Measures

The symptoms of sinusitis can be confused with those of rhinitis or other conditions such as cluster headaches so it is important for a GP to be consulted before embarking on a self-help programme to avoid making matters worse.


• Avoid jumping, diving or swimming in polluted water – this will prevent the water being forced into the sinus cavities
• Have regular dental treatment to stop infection spreading to the sinuses from the mouth
• Reduce dairy produce intake to reduce stimulation of mucus production

Treatment available at holistic therapies spain: Hopi ear candling, Indian head massage, Steam inhalation using Eucalyptus or Peppermint essential oil