Sunday, December 23, 2007

Staying Healthy During Holidays And Beyond

Strange, but we seem to think more about staying healthy during the holidays more than other times. OK, that's fine but this brief listing will not only work during the holidays, but should be used all tear long.

1. Eliminate and/or control stress. Check our posts on stress and modify the holiday items to everyday life to maintain your control over stress.

2. Wash your hands frequently and definately before leaving the rest room and before meals. Insuring that your hands are clean reduces the germs you may carry (believe it or not; germs are on you all the time) and the risks involved.

3. Avoid people who are ill. Yes, you can be in the same room. But, you don't need to be too cozy with them by hugging, or kissing, etc. If you shake hands, keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands as soon as you can.

4.Eat well. No, don't over do it. What we mean is to eat a balanced meal. Lots of fruits and veggies. Don't forget to eat the recommended amount of protein also. You can get proteins from soy, grains, nuts, and lean meats.

5. Get plenty of sleep. Regulate your schedule to insure that you stay rested. If you need to, take a nap.

6. Get your vitamins. Try cooking with olive oil and eat fish a couple of times a week. Also, you may need vitamin supplements. Be sure you consider vitamin B, C, and E.

OK, that's it. Short, brief, and to the point. These few tips used daily will give you a great head start to staying healthy during the holidays and all year long.