Thursday, June 26, 2008


"Your Energy Diet" explains the why and how to "Go Green". You can get this free report by visiting our newsletter "For Your Wellbeing". While you are there, you can look over what we have to offer which we feel is very beneficial. And, it's free also.

Couch Potato Tip: For those of you with satellite or cable, may we suggest you check out theDiscovery Home Channel (now called The Green Channel). It's got several shows on "going green" which are informative and entertaining. AND it will help you join us in saving our world.

Gas Tip: The best time to buy gas for your car is as early as you can in the morning. During the night, the gas in the tanks at the gas station cools. This means that the gas volume will retract and you will get more actual gas than during the heat of the day when the gas expands. Its not a great difference; but at $4 bucks a gallon, we'll take any savings we can get.

Driving Tip: Remember the old axiom "you can drive 5 mph over the speed limit and the police won't bother you." Well, forget the police! TRY 5 MPH UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT! IT'S YOUR GAS TANK THAT COUNTS! With gas prices going up, you won't find us doing 70 mph these days. Matter of fact, we checked our car, and our miles per gallon start going down when we go over 59 mph. So if you are in SE Texas near Galveston, that slow moving red car in front of you doing 59 mph just might be us.