Thursday, May 21, 2009


Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived from plants as “therapy”, a way of improving a person’s health and well being. Using essential oils in a variety of ways can have a positive effect on a person’s mood as well as helping to cure physical aches and pains, and help with ailments such as Colds and Flu.

Please take into account that Essential oils are potent substances but used carefully and with respect, they are simple and safe to use. However, if you are ever unsure about a particular oil or how to use your oils you should always consult a qualified aromatherapist.


In the winter our immune systems are weaker than normal which explains why so many of us become ill with colds, coughs etc. Using essential oils regularly will actually strengthen your immune system so you will be less prone to illness and also your recovery time will be quicker. Tea Tree, in particular, is anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral – a must for your first aid cabinet!

Simple Aromatherapeutic Treatments

A daily hot hot bath with 8 to 10 drops of Tea Tree or Rosemary will help to combat congestion and fights infection.

Add a few drops of Lavender, Marjoram or Bergamot to a hot bath to soothe aching limbs and encourage restful sleep. Bergamot will also help to lift your mood. (Remember to always add your oils to the bath once the bath is full, not whilst the water is running as they will then just evaporate!)

Use 6 to 8 drops of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus in a burner throughout the duration of the cold. If you do this at the first sign of the cold, it may prevent it from developing at all! As an alternative, add a few drops of the above oils on a tissue for inhalation during the day.

Oil Safety

Rosemary – do not use if you are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy
Bergamot – do not use before going out to sunbathe
Tea Tree – use with caution if you have sensitive skin

AROMATIP from reiki healing spain: To find out if your skin will react to a particular oil, mix 4 drops with 10ml of carrier oil (e.g. grape seed or sweet almond) and then apply to the inside of your wrist or your elbow crease and cover with a plaster. Leave for 12 hours then remove. If there is no redness its safe to use the oil.

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